Pro-Active eCommerce B2C / POS
- All-In-One Enterprise Commerce Platform
- Business to Business B2B Multichannel eCommerce
- Business to Consumer B2C Omnichannel eCommerce
- Multi-Store Turnkey eCommerce
- IMS / OMS / WMS Extraordinary Operations
- PIM / DAM / CMS Compound Creativity
- Digital and Print Marketing Automation
- Marketplace Turnkey Automation

Tomorrows eCommerce, Today
The Pro-Active eCommerce platform is an industry-leading comprehensive solution for businesses looking to expand their online presence and increase their revenues in multiple sales channels. Pro-Active comes with a wide range of features and functionality that make it easy to create and manage an online store.
With Pro-Active, businesses can quickly and easily deliver differentiated commerce experiences online to manage orders, customers, inventory, process payments, automate marketing, purchase orders, set staff access, and track orders, and comes complete with a robust point of sales (POS) for in-store or phone orders.
All the Features You Need
Pro-Active’s built-in feature-rich e-commerce platform outperforms websites that use plug-ins from third-party developers. Pro-Active all-in-one platform offers a comprehensive suite of features and tools that are designed to work together seamlessly, allowing users to easily create an omnichannel eCommerce website that meets their needs.
Pro-Active customers don’t have to spend time and money searching for and integrating costly third-party plug-ins which are time-consuming and require constant updating.

Get Pro-Active
Pro-Active comes complete with all features and functionality that a business needs for versatile and innovative online sales and marketing.
The Pro-Active platform is built to be intuitive, user-friendly, scalable, and can be tailored to the specific needs of any business. With Pro-Active’s extensive omnichannel sales and marketing tools, businesses can effectively target and attract more customers that will easily find exactly what they are looking for, leading to higher conversion rates and long term sales growth.
Cutting-Edge Solutions Pro-Active platform delivers the future of omnichannel eCommerce – today.
Pro-Active Features
Front-End Customer Experience
- Customers see recently viewed items
- Sort by price
- Sort by Brand / manufacturer / price / refinement
- Sort by description / key words
- Items placed on-sale appear on home page
- “Share This” link drop-down
- Printable catalog tool
- Easy one-page checkout system
- “Call for price” option
- One-click add to cart
- Product comparison tool
- “Share this” pop-up box to social links
- Create cross-sells for related products
- “Other customers bought…” dynamically created
- Users can enter gift messages
- Automated email order confirmations
- “Like” button for Facebook
- “Follow Us” on Twitter
- Product reviews
- Product reviews may be edited
- Tell a Friend
- Share your Wish List with friends
- Create accounts any time while browsing or during checkout
- Guest checkout
- Online order status and history
- Recently ordered items
- Address Book with default billing and shipping addresses
- Customers may create wish lists
- Newsletter subscription management
Inventory, Products & Merchandising
- Gross Profit Margin Manager by brand, category, or global settings
- Edits allowed for taxable or non-taxable items
- Product availability settings
- Select in-store or online-only options
- Enable free shipping on a global or per-product basis
- Create your own unique product bundles
- Automatically calculates savings and percentages
- Set a unique SKU for each product
- Set stock on hand for each product option
- One-click packing slip and invoice creator
- Per-product inventory levels
- Detailed sales report shows products purchased ranking
- Disables purchasing when out of stock
- Export orders in Excel and XML
- Shipping confirmation may be sent within the order screen
- The user entered Gift Message
- Create unlimited discount codes at percentage or dollar amounts
- Editable Tax Rates settings
- State-based tax zones
- Country-based tax zones
- Prices include / exclude tax
- Tax rate displays in store
- Tax shown on invoices, etc
- Sell locally, nationally, or international
Order Information
- Dashboard view order management
- View complete order details
- Edit orders
- View / edit sales, rental and lease to own orders
- Print custom packing slip
- Print custom invoices
- Export order detail as CSV file
- Export orders as an XML file
- Custom order statuses (pending, processing, shipped, backorder, etc.)
- Unlimited email templates (customer welcome, order responses, etc.)
Product Manager
- Unlimited categories and products
- Per category SEO page title and meta tags
- Per category SEO customizable page heading
- Cross sell and upsell sell products
- Have unlimited brands and manufacturers with logos
- Product Reviews can be moderated before they are posted
- Product Expected Date (for pre-orders or low stock levels)
- Set product refinement options, such as color, size, material, etc.
- Import Products via CSV
- Update Products via CSV
- Import Product Refinements via CSV
- Export Categories via CSV
- GPM Manager (Gross Profit Margin) set pricing based on GPM percent off
- Affiliate and discount codes
- Affiliate organizations
- Discount codes may be split for selling to organizations, schools, etc.
- Cart Discount Tool allows global discounts and dollar thresholds
- The “Dangling Carrot” tool tells how much more for Free Shipping
- Built-in Contest Manager
- Products can be placed “on sale”
- Newsletter Manager allows for custom newsletters
- View all customers and details
- Reset customers passwords
- Send customized targeted emails to customers or groups
- Send newsletters to customers or groups
- Export Customers as a CSV file
Site Settings
- Select from dozens of pre-loaded templates
- Template customizer to edit templates
- Upload logos for the site, packing slip, invoice, newsletter, favicon, etc.
- Select either a horizontal or vertical menu
- Add custom links to the menu bar
- Show categories and brands available on the menu
- Slide Show Banner ability to be linked to products, categories, pages
- Add links to your social media pages with social media icons
- Multiple Shipping Options, including live rates from UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc.
- Set Zone Rates, Table Rates, Free Shipping, and In-Store Pick-Up
- Payment Options from, PayPal, Net Terms, COD, and more
- Order Total Module can be customized specifically to your needs
- Set Multiple Tax Zones, Tax Rates, and Tax Classes
- Enable or Disable Multiple Countries
- Accept Multiple Currencies, US Dollar, Canadian, British Pound, and More
Site Configuration
- Customize Store Settings, shipping address, billing address, and more
- Display Product Availability
- Set Manager Override Code
- Allow Affiliate Login
- Google Analytics Code can be entered from admin panel
- Set number of products per search results
- Display Best Sellers
- Recommended Products
- Set Length of Time for New Product Age
- Set Default Shipping programs
- Adjust tare weight for packing
- Choice to Display Shipping Weight
- Set default size of small images and brand logos
- Set Stock to be subtracted from inventory
- Set Re-Order Levels
- eBay easy listing and export tool
- Allow orders to Be InfoSynced to vendors for fullfilment
- Set-up Drawings and Contests
- Allow Google Checkout
- Enable Scheduler for appointments, classes, lessons and More
- Create Staff Bio Pages
- Enable Auto-Billing for items on repeat order
Site Tools
- Responsive website design
- Dozens pre-loaded themes
- Create and add your own additional pages
- Modify your own template files
- Edit HTML and CSS via the admin panel
- Create your own category structure
- Upload your logo and images at any time
- Change website text using rich text editors
- Add Informational Pages
- Add Landing Pages
Site Statistics
- View number of people online
- View Best Sellers
- See Most Viewed Products
- See Conversion Rates
- Unsold Cart Manager
- Detailed order and customer statistics
Channel Management
- Google Shopping
- eBay product uploads, updates, and inventory management
- eBay order retrieval, shipping updates, and customer notifications
- Reverb product uploads, updates, and inventory management
- Reverb order retrieval, shipping updates, and customer notifications
SEO Tools
- Customize Page Title and Meta Tags per product and/or category
- Customize Page Heading per product and/or category
- Per-page optimization (title, META, etc)
- Per-product optimization (title, META, etc)
- SEO-friendly product links
- SEO-friendly category links
- SEO-friendly brand links
- SEO-friendly search links
- SEO-friendly page links
- Custom product image alt text
- “Catch-all” SEO keyword and phrase editor
- Custom product URLs
- Custom web page URLs
- Easy link creation within pages
- Custom product image alt text
- HTML is easily parsed by search spiders
Built-in Shipping Modules
- Free Shipping
- FedEx
- Flat Rate
- Table Rates
- Zone Rates
- Per Item
- Store Pick-Up option
- Ship Station, Ship Rush, Shippo
Built-in Payment Modules
- Credit Card AIM
- Credit Card SIM
- Cash (In-Store)
- Manual Credit Card (To run through a virtual or in-store terminal)
- Credit Card + Gift Card
- COD (Cash on Delivery)
- First Data Payeezy Credit Card AIM
- iPayment
- Check/Money Order
- PayPal Website Payments Standard
- PayPal Express Checkout
- 2CheckOut
- PSiGate
- Net Terms
- Google Pay
Products and Merchandising
- Sell physical and / or digital products
- Add products individually
- Bulk import your own products
- Create your own category structure
- Dynamically creates class ID numbers
- Parent / Child product capable
- Description editing via Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG)
- Description preview window
- Embed YouTube videos in the product description
- Sell / auction products on eBay in a few clicks
- Export products for google shopping
- Built-in image gallery complete with thumbnails
- Add downloadable PDFs, spec sheets, audio & video clips
- “Call for pricing” option
- Built-in rental and lease-to-own module
- Create product subcategories
- Export products for bulk update in Excel
- Create manufacturers with logos
- Add products to unlimited categories
Content Management System
- 100% cloud browser-based
- Create your own pages
- Display returns policies, etc
- Easy-to-use rich text editor editor
- Contact Us page
- Easy category management copy/move functions
- Change website text using rich text editors
- Create and edit email templates from the control panel
Hosting & Security
- Enterprise-grade network architecture
- Level 1 certified PCI compliant
- SAS type II certified data center
- Hacker deterrent security provisioning
Point of Sale

Get Your Employees Out from Behind the Counter to Sell Everywhere!

Pro-Active Point of Sale Features
- POS includes all Pro-Active features
- POS inventory is always in sync with website
- Sell Everywhere, mobile and in-store checkout
- Works with any PC, tablet or smartphone
- Combine In-store & online sales
- Advanced multifaceted search functionality
- Special order capability
- Search by product, barcode or model Number
- Attribute specific sales to staff member
- Manager approvals
- Individual staff POS Logins
- Sales Reports by Cashier
- Customizable customer sales receipts, print or email
- Taxes automatically calculated
- Bar code scanner support
- Camera bar code scanner
- Customer in-store pick-up or deliveries
- Order history
- Cash tracking
- Rewards / loyalty programs
- Buy in store – ship to customer
- Dashboard complete overview
- iPad / Tablet support for sales staff
- Mobile checkout experience in-store
- Suggested / recommended products for add-on sales
- POS in-store checkout credit card capture
- Purchase order to vendors, processing and receiving
- Creating POs and adding products
- Instant inventory reconciliation
- Online orders can be combined with in-store purchases in one transaction reconciliat